Thursday, December 14, 2006

Answer Your Telephone

As I left a message on my friend's voicemail the other day, it occured to me that I am having less human interaction each day.

I thought about how, only five years ago, I could easily contact someone and speak to them on the telephone. Now, however, I find that most of my communication with people is done through emails.

I chat with friends online and we "pretend" we are interacting. It's not the same, though, and that usually becomes clear when we finally do hang out face to face. There is something forced and awkward about it all. We've become so comfortable with our online relationship, the real thing doesn't feel right. I am not as witty in person, as I can be online, where I have those few extra seconds to properly phrase a clever retort. Aside from work I don't have much interaction with others, so I tend to get stuck in my head when I'm out with people, and I'm sure I seem retarded at times. Where're those damn emoticons when I need them in real life?

I miss the days when people answered their phone. Talking to someone is much more fulfilling than reading and writing emails. And if we talked more often, maybe it wouldn't seem weird to have to talk when we actually do hang out.

Then again, maybe it's just me, and no one else feels this disconnection.

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