Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Yeah? And what of it?

So?! I had an urge to hear Madonna's "Who's That Girl?" I don't know where it came from. One minute I'm listening to "Hello Hammerheads" by Caribou, next thing ya know I'm downloading this Madonna ditty off iTunes. Did I really need to spend $.99 to hear that song in it's entirety? Probably not. Will it ever make it into heavy rotation on my playlists? Definitely not. Do I feel like a sucker? Little bit. But I treat iTunes like a jukebox, where you often drunkenly pay for songs you thought were awesome until you actually deposit your money and hear them again and try to argue with yourself that it sounded different when you were younger, sometimes even convincing yourself that this must be a remix.

Quien es esa nina?
Seniorita, mas fina.

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