Friday, September 09, 2005

Subterranean Homesick Blues

I realize I spend a good portion of my day underground.

Between living in a basement apartment and riding the subway around town everyday, I am somewhat of a underground dweller.

This morning I awoke to discover my apartment was flooding.
There was no rain. I thought perhaps, the shower caused the water to leak into my living room, but it has not stopped and the shower has not run for several hours. My brother figures it is coming from a broken pipe in the utility room.

I am at work and he is trying to take care of it all. The landlord doesn't seem to be in a rush to fix it.

Kinda like the government not being in a rush to fix the flooding in New Orleans, only on a smaller and less-grim scale.

The lesson here is: Stay away from basement apartments. If you smell something mildewy when you check out an apartment, don't rent it, they've obviously had flooding problems before.

When I was in high school there was a show on TV called "Parker Lewis Can't Lose". My friend Andy used to say there should be a show called "Dave Orsborn Can't Win". The guys in my homeroom would eagerly await the next "episode" every morning, as I inevitably had some new shit story to share about my life. It began to be rather amusing.

Looks like the show has been picked up for one more season...

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