Monday, December 12, 2005

Sinus sludge

I can feel the illness slowly sneaking up on me.
This afternoon it made its presence known by scratching my throat all day. Over night it has gathered in small encampments of mucus that continuosly switch nostrils like a wandering band of bedouins.
I want to drive nails into my nose to clear out the stubborn snot that blocks my nasal cavity.

All this and my play starts Thursday.
I have two dress rehearsals on Tuesday and Wednesday. I also work double shift those two days.
I'm tired.
So I quit one of my jobs today. Yay for me!


Anonymous said...

Sorry you're sick.... Which job did you quit? Good luck with the play!

DaveO said...


Anonymous said...

Did the nail work? Hope the show goes well. That's pretty cool. Is that considered off, off Broadway?
HO in NO