Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sense Memories

  • Drinking Red Bull when you're sick and congested tastes like jumping into a heavily chlorinated public pool and getting water up your nose. A bland anti-septic flavor. I am reminded of taking swimming lessons at the old Brandywine Inn across from the Downingtown Farmer's Market, as a child.

  • Several weeks ago as I was walking past Greenwood Cemetery, and smelled the freshly-cut grass, I was suddenly taken back to the summer of 1989, as my friends and I began working on our first "feature film" (on videotape). Always having delusions of grandeur, our first undertaking was a medieval sword and sorcery epic. As such we spent most of the summer dressed as knights and peasants, charging through backyards and fields with plastic swords and wooden shields. Every evening I'd have to shower off the wet blades of cut grass that caked my legs. It was a wonderfully fun summer, hanging with friends, running around like idiots, and capturing it all on video to watch again and entertain ourselves. Perhaps that's why I never finished the film and kept working on it for the following three years. It was too much fun to actually want to complete it and move on!
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