Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Resolution Will Be Televised

He had given up on making New Years resolutions. The optimism they instilled in him never lasted more than a few weeks. And lately his outlook on life had been less than sanguine. What good would another list of unachievable goals do? They'd just be a list of failures to look back on next year. Perhaps he should make more reasonable goals. He would vow to smoke more, drink more, eat more, spend more money on things he didn't need, accrue an insurmountable debt, and leave at least ten projects "unfinished".

No, that sort of list would serve only to depress him. And he needed no extra help in that area. He thought about all the things he wanted to do with his life, about all he wanted to accomplish, and that's when it came to him.

This would be the year of his disappearance.

Not a permanent disappearance, mind you, he was far too cowardly to take his own life. Instead, he would simply fade from sight. Drop out. Leave the daily grind and shackles behind and become a nameless nomad.

This seemed attainable.

And so he began to pool his resources and plan for this particular "project". He saw months of travel around the globe, working now and then in foreign countries to pay his way. He wouldn't need much. Just some start-up cash to begin his journey, and a few contacts along the way. He would drastically simplify his life in the coming months and set off mid-year. Perhaps, if things worked out, his current projects could help foot the bill.

"Ah yes," he thought, "a resolution I can live with." And he wrote it down in his journal in bright red ink. This was the year he would see the world. This was the year he would simplify his life. This was the year he would disappear...

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