Monday, July 18, 2005

Daily Grievance Part 1

Obnoxious umbrellas.

There are a lot of people walking around New York with obnoxiously large umbrellas. They take up so much room and practically knock you off the sidewalk or put an eye out if you don't duck in time. These people can fit a family of five under their umbrellas. They are the SUVs of rain protection gear. These things should come with patio furniture and a table. They are meant for the beach, picnic areas or an outdoor cafe, not for walking around the streets of New York.

My stealthy little $5 fold-up job looks like a cocktail umbrella in comparison. But that's fine. It serves its purpose and doesn't intrude into other people's space. I'm not an asshole. I don't endanger passersby.

It's only water people. If you need that much safe room to protect you from getting wet, you should just stay inside. Or walk around in a hermetically sealed 12 monkeys bubble suit.


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