Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Life is the leading cause of Death

A friend of mine is quitting smoking and as a result I found myself looking over the statistics of smoking-related deaths. They are quite alarming. One in two long-term smokers will die a premature death. Second hand smoke kills one non-smoker for every 8 smokers. But the statistics are even more alarming than that:

*For every 6,000 smokers, 347 will be arrested for exposing themselves in public.
*Of 300 smokers, 12 will go see "Herbie:Fully Loaded". Approximately 23% of them will pay matinee price, but order $18 worth of popcorn and soda.
*Men and women going through a traumatic break-up are 75% more likely to start smoking than their more romantically successful peers. 92% of all males will sit in their cars across the street from their ex's apartment chain-smoking and listening to Journey.
*For every 3,792 smokers, one non-smoker will get mauled to death by a tiger.

Yes, it is shocking to say the least. But the most startling information I found in my research was this:

"According to leading physicians, approximately 100% of all persons born today will eventually die."

Hmm. Food for thought...


Anonymous said...

Wow, it really does make you think... The fact that anyone would go see Herbie: Fully Loaded. I quit just in time.

DaveO said...

Herbie is a race car and the tobacco companies have always sponsered car races. This is just a ploy to get kids to smoke. Disney has come under fire for the scene in which Herbie the Love Bug has sex with Lindsay Lohan and they share a post-coital cigarette. While critics argue that a cigarette after sex does just as much damage, the Disney lawyers claim that Lohan took in much more carbon monoxide when she blew him.