Friday, October 14, 2005

Alright, ya happy?

Here's me with a mustache. A whole month with this puppy, even though no one else decided to participate in the fun. In fact, they all told me to get rid of it, but I held out for a full thirty days.

Actually, I kinda miss it. In fact, a girl at work was mad that I shaved it off, saying, "Man, you were starting to look cool. Now you're just you." Hah!

I was thinking that in a few months it should be "rat-tail" month and I'll be the only one to grow a rat-tail like the kids used to wear when I was in sixth grade.

Mustache series 3


Anonymous said...
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DaveO said...

how can you look friendly with a mustache like that? you can't help but be a bad-ass. too bad my i-roc z ain't in the picture.

Long_Division said...

I made my husband cut off his rat tail for our wedding. He always threatens to photoshop it back into the wedding pictures.

Anonymous said...

Just missing the leather chaps and vest. Southern Decadence awaits you.
Hey, did you notice that a different type of girl is attracted to you when you grow a mustache? You should have played your 'White Snake', and hung out at Frosty Feeze. You would have been the 'David Wooderson' of NYC.
HO in NO