Monday, October 24, 2005

Their words were measured

They looked at each othe for a long time without saying anything. After a few moments he looked down and picked up his beer. She never broke her gaze and waited patiently for his answer. He looked her in the eye.

"Dating me is kinda like communism," he said, taking a swig of his beer. "It's a great idea in theory, but when put into practice, it's just a mess."


Buff Huntley said... me is more like GK Chesterton's statement on Christianity's great in theory, but it's never been tried!

Foilwoman said...

Not true. Innana has a story in the disaster dating chronicles. I, however, won, I believe forever the disaster dating competition back in the 80s. Who knows, maybe there will be a competitor . . .

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Do you really kill 100 million (give or take) everytime you date someone?
Just being a smart ass. As usual you have the clever lines and I try to ride your coat tails.
HO in NO