Monday, April 03, 2006

The Month of Living Dangerously

I need to pay rent.
I have $7.89 in a savings account. $0 in checking. I have about $2,000 in a 401K, but have no idea how to get to it. I tried accessing my account online, but in all the information I've collected from them (statements, letters about new fund opportunities) I can't find anything with an account number or passcode or anything like that.
It's frustrating!

A friend of mine said, "Don't take that money. You need to have something put away for your future."
My answer, "If I don't have any money today to live on, what future am I saving money for?"

Also, if I can't figure out how to access this money now, how will I be expected to do so when I am a senile old man?

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