Tuesday, October 24, 2006

New Schedule

Well, they've switched me to more "human" hours at work, coming in at 6pm rather than 11:30pm. Which means I will have to readjust to a new sleep schedule as well. Not bad though.

I am hoping to get more writing done in the wee hours after I get home. I am usually awake for a few hours when I get off work, and if I am getting home at 4 am rather than 10 am, there won't be anyone I know online to distract me. Started writing a few treatments for movie ideas I've had kicking around my head for the last year or so. Maybe I can finally focus on them and get some scripts written.

I've also been scanning old artwork and pictures and posting them to my Flickr account. Started putting together a series of "Bored At Work" drawings, since that is usually when I sketch the most anyway. The most interesting stuff, at least. If I sit down to actually work on something I don't usually tap into the same creative wells I do when I'm bored and killing time at work. I've collected pages and pages of stuff over the years, so why not put them all in one place, right?

Browsing through my collection I found some sketches I did in 1983. They are illustrations for a short story I was writing about a monster who killed kids in their sleep:

Yeah, I was fascinated by disturbing images from an early age...

Speaking of twisted stuff, I saw a great little movie this weekend: an old Swedish exploitation film from the 70s called "They Call Her One Eye". It's about a woman who is raped by an old man when she is a child, becomes mute, grows up, is kidnapped by a pimp who gets her hooked on heroin and has her turning tricks in his bordello, after he gouges out one of her eyes. He sends a fake letter to her parents, pretending to be her and tells them how much she hates them. They commit suicide and finally "One Eye" has had enough and goes postal. But only after she trains in sharpshooting and karate and how to race cars. This film was apparently one of the many inspirations for Tarantino's "Kill Bill". Good stuff.

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