Thursday, February 01, 2007

I Kinda Hate Flickr Right Now

I have an account on the photo-sharing page Flickr, and they've recently decided that everyone who uses it should have a Yahoo account in order to use it.

I don't have a Yahoo account. Nor do I really want one. But my Flickr account will no longer be accessible through my current email in a month and a half.

I am being forced into signing up for something else in order to use something I've already used for over a year now. And they say they are "making this change now to simplify the sign in process"!

"Oh, good morning Mr. Orsborn. I see you park your car on the street in front of your house. As this street is now owned by Bank of America, you'll have to set up a savings account with us in order to still park there. This is for the convenience of everyone involved. Have a great day!"

Well, fuck you Flickr! I mean Yahoo! or whatever corporate behemoth owns you now...

Oh, and I've noticed that Blogger here is now owned by Google and has a separate sign in for Google ID users, so I'm sure I'll be getting an email from THEM any day now requesting the same sort of switcharoo.

To sum up, everyone should go rent "Idiocracy". A funny, and I'm sure very prescient, movie.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go buy stock in Microsoft so I can continue wearing these sneakers.

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