Thursday, August 11, 2005

Givin' 'Em Guff

I recruit people for focus groups. It's tough sometimes recruiting people who've never done them before. They can't believe someone would pay them $150 just for their opinions. Yesterday a co-worker came up against much resistance from car salesmen. One of them told him, "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn't." Made me think of an imagined retort.

"Would you like to participate in an hour-long discussion group? In compensation for your involvement we are paying you $150."

"Ya know, I always say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't."

"I understand your skepticism, sir. Lemme ask you this: Are you a religious man?"

"Yes, why?"

"Do you believe in heaven?"


"Well, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't. Have a nice day."


Anonymous said...

Dave, what the hell? I'm no religious fanatic, but just because someone doubts your offer, do you have to piss on their religious beliefs? It reminds me of the street vendors that yell at you if you ignore them.

I think (and this is just me talking) that you should see this as a challenge: How can I (Dave) convience this guy?

Remember do as I say, not as I do.

H.O. in N.O.

PS I can still get a woody, so you don't need to call me about your 'survey'.

soma_x said...

Clever retort!

DaveO said...

Of course it is. That's the basis of this comment. I myself am very skeptical, especially the older I get. I am merely suggesting that these people should follow through with their skepticism.

H.O.: I've never experienced or heard of street vendors yelling at people for not buying from them. Did you mean panhandlers?

Anonymous said...

No,not pan handlers, street vendors. Maybe, I just draw out that kind of reaction.
Another analogy, (and I think you were with us) at Buddha Belly and when we left the band heckled us for not staying and putting money in the tip jar?
Yeah, it's probably just me.

DaveO said...

They didn't heckle US they heckled YOU. :-)
Really, I've never experienced that from street vendors.
Kudos to you, though.