Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Sepetmber is Mustache Month

That's right. My friend Tim at work suggested we all grow and wear mustaches through the month of September. So that's what we're doing. I've decided to suggest this to as many of my guy friends as possible and see if everyone does it. It'll be like a club. Your 'stache is your membership card.

As that is the only area where I can grow a substantial amount of facial hair I am kinda excited.

The scary thing is that I will probably look exactly like my father.

History of the Mustache


DaveO said...

Of course I will post pictures. And hopefully anyone else who does it for the month will send their pics in and I will post those as well.

Stoopidgirl said...

if it's mustache month does that mean there are limitations to the type of mustache one is to grow? I know a few men that would look like a bunch of (cough) perverts if they all of a sudden started to strut around with full fledged handle-bars. But I would pay good money for them tp throw on some rayban sunglasses, oldschool gym shorts and a tight ringnecked t-shirt with some form of a catchy phrase. I on the other hand will refrain from the activity of growing a mustache in fear that I may never get laid again. I may possess something men want down below but the mustache thing might just be the deal breaker.

sheesh I'm bored today.