Saturday, February 04, 2006

A Few Thoughts

  • Inside the Actors Studio presents Martin Lawrence! Why haven't I seen this yet??? I can't wait for James Lipton's analysis of Big Momma's House 2!

  • A bartender from a bar I used to frequent in New Orleans now bartends at a bar around the corner from me in Brooklyn. This is strangely comforting.

  • I hate when people say they are "definitely gonna try" to do something. What that means is they are definitely gonna disappoint. You either do it or you don't. There is no try. If you don't want to do something, say so. Don't try to spare my feelings by trying to do something. Because if you don't do it, it still counts against you in the end, no matter how hard you tried.

  • If God is always listening, can we sue him for invasion of privacy or is he granted the same leeway as the president?

  • "Talents lose their luster if we become too familiar with them, for the outer shell of the mind is more readily seen than its rich inner kernel. Even the outstanding genius makes use of retirement so that man may honor him and so that the yearning aroused by his absence may cause him to be esteemed." -Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658)

    What you call laziness, I call cultivating the rich inner kernel of my potential genius.

  • If you haven't been to AwesomeTown yet, you must go! Post Haste!

  • I love this story about the Star Wars Bus Ride From Hell. This bus driver got kids to cut up each others' clothes with scissors as punishment? What does that have to do with Star Wars?

  • Speaking of those little fuckers, I hear that schools are now paying kids to actually go to school. What? I went to school because if I didn't I would either a) get grounded or b) get threatened with physical violence. And there was always the fear I would get held back a year with the guys who always smelled like motor oil. I was definitely born in the wrong time period! If we have to pay these kids to go to school, then ALL their bus drivers should have Star Wars clubs where the kids endure unusual punishment. And we should film it for a reality show!


"" said...

Dear Dave -
Thanks for making me laugh. I needed a good one. I've been pretty worthless all week myself. Maybe its a pisces thing. What IS that video thing in the previous post? It is howling funny.

DaveO said...

That video shows us ignorant Americans just why David Hasslehoff is so revered in the rest of the world. He is a consumate entertainer. He can sing, dance, act, and, as evidenced in the video, he can also fly.