Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Another Script Bites The Dust

The running joke among my friends since junior high school was that any time I had a good idea for a story or character, chances were good it was going to be made by someone else within the next few months.

Countless cartoon characters, sketched in study hall, were seen on TV months or years later, albeit slightly different since I had nothing to do with it.

The minute I mentioned a movie idea to a friend, he would start counting the days until it was released in the theater. (It would usually be the next summer and we would go check it out and I would think of how I would've done it better.)

One idea that my friends and I had tossed around back in high school was combining the tale of the hitch-hiker who kills the people who pick him up getting a ride from the serial killer who kills hitch-hikers. It seemed like a fun combination of two overplayed scenarios.

When I was in college I wrote a short script of this scenario and called it, Roadkill.

Well, this evening I was browsing the website for Showtime's cable series "Master's of Horror", and came across Larry Cohen's episode "Pick Me Up", which is the tale of "a serial killer who slays hitchhikers" offering a ride to "a hitchhiker who slays any individual unlucky enough to give him a ride".

Well, I'll put that script in the "Too Late" pile now.

  • You can check out the trailer at the Masters of Horror website. It looks good, regardless of not having my input.
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