Monday, March 13, 2006

Highs And Lows

  • Dave C's birthday yesterday. I spent the weekend in Philly, hanging out with friends. I took some money out at an ATM when I got down there and discovered I am nearly destitute (if you're using my bank account as a gauge, anyway). However, this didn't seem to bother me. I was in good spirits. Even when my friend Laura drunkenly rubbed my stomach like I was a Buddha, then put her ear against it and said she could "hear it kicking", I was unfazed. (Though in the back of my mind I considered starting a strict regimen of crunches and ab exercises when I got home).

  • I now have HOT WATER in my apartment! I got home this afternoon and jumped in the shower, fully expecting to jump back out in the alotted 30 seconds. However, much to my delight, the water was extremely hot and required that I turn on the cold water as well. I started taking a full shower. I finished washing myself, and the water was still hot! When my brother got home he asked if I noticed anything different about the place. I mentioned the hot water and he informed me that he took a 15 minute shower this morning. "Now we just have a crappy apartment," he said. "Not an unlivable one."

  • I read today that G.W. Bush's approval ratings continue to slip. He's at 36% now. Every week it seems lower. Last week it was at 38%. I smell a terrorist attack coming. Or news of a "thwarted terrorist strike".

  • And here's some more Hasslehoff for you:

    Foilwoman said...

    On what benighted sight to you find these Hasselhof atrocities?

    Buff Huntley said...

    OK, this is not a respone to your post, but I am TAGGING you with the music questions meme, Dave.

    You can look at Foil's or my blog to see what deep and meaningful questions are asked. I am hoping Hasselhoff will not be any of your answers.