Wednesday, March 29, 2006

To Lie or Not To Lie

My brother came home today with news of possible editing work. A friend of his told him about a company that needs loaders and digitizers with Avid experience. The pay is $100 a day negotiable. It is for 4 months work, open for more after that.

And this is where I am always running into trouble.

I always here of these gigs, but my skills are nowhere near the level they would want. Each year I don't use them I fall more and more behind. I have not used an Avid editing system in almost 8 years now. A year and a half ago I ran through somewhat of a refresher with my friend Andrea, who was at the time editing on an Avid. But I never got any work and I never got to improve any skills I had.

At this point it is safe to say I have NO experience with Avid. I have used Final Cut for the last 3 years and that suits me just fine. Unfortunately it is not industry standard yet, and most jobs require some knowledge of Avid. But the technology improves so rapidly that your knowledge is outdated about every three months. After 8 years, I wonder if anything is the same.

So here is the question: Do I just lie and fake it and try to relearn on the side? Cuz that is a possibility. I'm a pretty good bullshitter. I can get by with a cursory knowledge up front and try to learn as I go. And if they find me out and don't take me, I'm back where I started, so nothing is lost.

After all, how else am I going to get the experience? Not by playing it safe, that's for sure.


Anonymous said...

Fake it till you make it. Don't let a good opportunity pass you by.... :-)

Mike said...

Go for it. Worst Case scenario is that you din't get the job, or get the job and get fired for being underqualified. As it is, the arts industries are filled with people trying to get away with less skills than they claim to have.

Anonymous said...

Lie. That's how I got my first job as a lifeguard, and I didn't even know how to swim. So many dead children...

Prom said...

Yes, go for it. You have nothing to lose. My guess is that you'll work twice as hard as anyone else and know what they know in no time at all.