Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Honeysickle Vines 'Round The Trailer Park Heart

  • Talked, or rather listened, to a kid on the train today. Kids are not happy with the year as a unit of measurement. As we get older we learn to accept that cruel indicator of Time's march forward. But a child wants time broken into smaller units. Kids are always ten...and a half.

    "I'm ten and a half. Not really ten anymore. Not quite 11. Just in the middle. Ten and a half. In two months I'll be ten and three quarters."

    Some will even break it down further:

    "I'm ten years, six months, three hours, seven minutes and thrity-two seconds."

  • I found myself in St. Patrick's Cathedral this afternoon, lighting a prayer candle for a friend's mother. I am not one who prays very often. I am not a religious man. But those catholic reflexes kicked in. When I was in the hospital 11 years ago, I know that many people prayed for me, and I feel that it helped me recover quicker. There have been studies on the positive effects of prayer on sick patients. And I felt I needed to be in a place of worship to really make my prayers count. It helped me concentrate, even with all the tourists wandering around.

  • Finally found the American wing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I usually get sucked into the Impressionists section or wander over to the Modern Art section, but today I explored the other side of the museum.

  • I am, once again, crafting a new resume. I really have trouble with these damn things. I just don't see the point. I have never, in my entire life, gotten a job from my resume. I've sent resumes out, to no avail. I got an interview once from sending my resume out. And that was with Fox News. I didn't get the job. The only jobs I tend to get are the ones that don't require a resume. As a result, I am at a comlete loss as to how to craft a resume. I've done so in the past, but whenever I show it to someone they tell me what's wrong with it, then I fix it and show it to somebody else, and they tell me it's still all wrong, and so I do it again and show it to someone else and they tell me it's the worst resume they've ever seen and I try to fix it again, but at that point I usually get a retail job where I just have to fill out an application. So really, what is the point of a resume?! And is there anyone who will make one for me? I don't want anybody's input. I want someone to sit down and listen to me tell them about all the jobs I've had and create a resume for me. Cuz I'm tired of rewriting this damn thing! And I still don't see the point. It's all who you know. Can't I just befriend people and have them offer me jobs? That's been a successful approach in the past.

  • I really want to re-read V for Vendetta before the movie comes out. But I don't have it. And I don't have the money to be blowing on comic books right now. Damn.
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