Monday, March 20, 2006

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

But the stories you gain from it are quite valuable.

So, today I was browsing some craigslist postings looking for some sort of film gig to keep me occupied, and came across a post about a documentary being shot involving breakup stories. They were just looking for people with stories to tell.

I figured I had a pretty good breakup story. The old, follow a girl to a different city, get dumped within hours of your arrival and spend the next decade tormenting yourself over it. It even has a happy ending and closure, for the true Hollywood aspect. So I sent them a short synopsis of my sad luck tale, and the filmmaker contacted me and she said they would be interested in filming me.

Should be fun. There may even be some sort of compensation. (Probably will just get a DVD copy of the film and a meal. And that sounds just fine.)

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