Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's Called Information Technology for a Reason

Because of my identity theft problem I've had to change my bank card information. My internet service is automatically taken out of my card, so I've needed to change that information in order to maintain service. I don't receive a paper bill every month. In fact, I haven't received an electronic bill either. It's just automatically deducted.

Being the lazy, unorganized person that I am, I have lost my account information and have had a hell of a time finding it.

My first mistake in trying to retrieve my account information so that I can change my billing info, was to call customer service.

Most companies have the worst customer service department. You usually end up talking to someone who's probably just doing temp work and has no idea how to truly answer your questions. I will venture to say that 5% of the customer service representatives in the ENTIRE KNOWN WORLD, actually know what the fuck they are doing. 95% of them just collect a paycheck and discuss last night's episode of "Lost" with their co-workers.

For the last week, every person I've talked to at Verizon has found no record of me in their system. I've given them my name, my address, my social security number, my email address, the old card that the account was billed to...and nothing came up!

Luckily, today I misdialed and ended up talking to someone in the IT department. He was able to pull up my information in a matter of seconds, simply by asking my name and having me confirm my address. Any question I had, he knew the answer, or at least how to access it.

So, if you ever have a question about anything, in any company around: call the IT department. They are the ONLY ones who know what's going on. They've got all the information!

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